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The classroom came with the giant red curtains and blue cabinets. I can't get rid of the blue cabinets and living in the south - heavy curtains to keep out heat are a God send! So my classroom colors are red and blue. No choice. Theme: Anchors Away - Red/Blue Nautical.

Middle school is a rough age! We are taking them from the elementary school where their teacher keeps up with all of their work and gives constant reminders and dropping them off at the high school where teachers do not keep up with your work or remind you. It is vital that during the two years at middle school students learn to be organized and take care of their own responsibilities  My door poster sums up my feels in one place. I love my students, but I want to make sure they are ready for life! I can only protect them for one year. 

Last year one of my graduate class professors challenged us to create a crowd funding project. If the project was successful, we were excused from the final. If the project was unsuccessful, we could complete the final or write about the crowd funding experience. Needless to say - I was pushing for success! I used Donor's Choose and was successful! My classroom is now the proud owner of five 65" stability balls and ten 55" stability balls. My students love them. I received many thanks from students and parents for the opportunity to use these balls in class. They engage the mind, increase focus, and improve posture. We also have chairs in the classroom, so sitting on stability balls is not mandatory. The stability balls are a privilege.

I enjoy having tables in my classroom, but -unfortunately- my tables come with the holes in the top center to drop computer cords. My students choose to use this as a "trash dump," and the insides of the tables get really gross throughout the school year. This year I glued supply baskets to the table! You can hear when a student rips the baskets off the table, so it will be easy to handle that discipline issue. They are also a great place to put supplies (handouts, colored pencils, ETC) that we are going to use in class that day.

I have a large bulletin board outside my classroom. Isn't this just adorable? We knew we wouldn't have student work up before Open House, so a fellow ELA teacher found this online and one of our wonderful aides put it together! We feature most of the books we read during the school year.

Exit tickets are a fantastic way to wrap up class for the day, but I always have the hardest time keeping up with them! This year I put together an Exit Ticket board. Each student has a clip for their ticket, and I can easily see who did/did not do it. There are five general questions posted at the top, so they will fit the lesson each day. (Pinterest find!)

My promethean board splits my large white board in an awkward way, so it leaves me with a small side of the board to post our daily agenda!

 Another Pinterest idea: What we're studying! It lists our current topic, learning goals, essential questions, and enduring concepts. The white poster pieces are dry erase, so I can easily update it throughout the year.

I encourage Accelerated Reader in my classroom. While this is a bit elementary, it does help encourage students to reach their goal. Later this year (when time provides), I plan to turn this into a boat at the top with anchors going up to the boat with the book goals!

I am currently working on my MA in Gifted/Talented education. Even though I do not teach gifted currently, the Talents Unlimited model can be applied to all students! I printed these posters to guide our learning and understanding of talents, and I look forward to using them throughout this school year!

I found these cute metal minion signs at Hobby Lobby. I couldn't resist! Plus they are perfect for our "inspirational reading corner."

Even though the beanbags are flat, the students love sitting on them! I filled them up with beans last year ($60+ later - they were flat again by Christmas). I framed and hung inspirational quotes last year, and they are making a reappearance again this year.

I need new books! My bookshelf is pretty sparse, but at least there are some books! My students can borrow my books if they do not have a library book.

Memes just make rules more fun!

This is MY area! When I say 'My' area - I mean it! It is set up so students have no reason to be behind my desk. There are too many horror stories and important things missing from a teacher's desk, so I put myself in the corner and made my teacher area. I also painted the filing cabinet with chalkboard spray paint - now it matches the desk and bookcase.

{Picture Coming Soon}

No matter how many times you say "don't forget your name," someone will - always - forget their name. This is my "No Name" board. I pin all no names here. Whenever I do not receive an assignment (absent, no name, no effort), I automatically put a zero into our online grade book. Students know to always check the no name board if they received a zero but did the assignment. These papers are throw away at the end of each quarter.

{Picture Coming Soon}

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